Tag Archives: communication problems

Simon´s Cat – funny!

Cat Language …

I am a great cat lover. Although I don’t own one myself we have a regular visiting “day-cat” who comes over every morning when her owners (our neighbours) put her out and go off to work.  She often stays with us until the evening.  My translation work is naturally of little interest to her due mainly to the lack of food involved.  However, it does mean that I am sitting in front of my PC for hours on end and she has the opportunity to lie on my lap and indulge in excessive sleeping!  It is nice for me to look down and see this cute little creature curled up with her head and paws wrapped round in a little furry ball.  It can be a nice little break from translating a dry technical text for instance.  Although we obviously don’t speak the same language (despite a few feeble “Miau” copying attempts on my side -) ) there doesn’t seem to be a communication problem … when a cat wants something then the “human” will definitely get the message!  You’ll get a very vivid example of how this works when you watch the little video above. Have fun!


Filed under Funny stuff